Welcome To Starcross Fishing & Cruising Club


A warm welcome to all fishermen, and women. SFCC fishing section caters for members, chiefly in boats, wishing to fish our local waters of Lyme Bay and South Devon areas.

Welcome to the cruising section of The Starcross Fishing and Cruising Club. We like to encourage as many people as possible to enjoy cruising in our beautiful local waters, and extended areas.

The Club organises a series of events throughout the year, ranging from Speciality Meals, Discos, BBQ’s, Bar Draws and impromptu ‘get togethers’, Annual Gala Night and Festive celebrations,

Here at SFCC we welcome new members to our club who are active in water based activities across the spectrum of boating pursuits. We regret that we are unable to provide purely social membership.

SFCC is committed to member training and is a certified RYA Training Centre. Courses run include; Day Skipper, Yachtmaster, Essential Navigation, VHF, First Aid, Diesel Engine, and Powerboat 1 & 2.

The club offers a range of 24/7 facilities to it’s members based around the historic Brunel Tower that dominates the shoreline at Starcross on the western side of the River Exe Estuary,

SFCC Small Boats

A warm welcome to all leisure boat owners. At SFCC we have an enthusiastic group of members who enjoy exploring our Exe Estuary and South Devon coast in a variety of craft.

The SFCC Small Boats group organise a variety of trips, usually once per month to both local attractions and also more ambitious destinations.

As we have our own in-house RYA affiliated training team, all small boats group members are always accompanied by minimum Powerboat Level 2 skippers on all events. Indeed our Small Boats Group organiser, Tom McFarlane is a fully qualified RYA Powerboat 2 Instructor – which helps members who may be new to boating or boating at sea, the confidence to stretch their legs and venture further from the Exe.

This in-house expertise helps develop confidence in boat handling technique and how their boat handles in less ideal conditions. Experience can be gained with with plenty of support and advice close at hand.

Previous trips include bar meal river trips to Lympstone and The Turf and our own Dawlish Warren back beach for the mid summers day SFCC picnic.

Trips further afield include Lyme Bay beach, SFCC Brixham Gathering, Dartmouth and up the Dart to Sharpham Estate for a camping weekend.


Small boats 2024

The majority of our planned small boats trips didn’t happen last summer due to poor weather, so rather than set dates in advance, I’ll attempt to run a trip each month with ~1-2 weeks notice. All details will be shared via the Small Boats WhatsApp group across a mix of destinations ranging from 1NM-25NM. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact me to be included (Tom – smallboats@starcross-fcc.com ).
The trips are open to all SFCC members, including those who might not have access to small vessels due to others offering a ride with them.

All trips will begin from the Brunel Landing Pontoon, with details of departure times being shared closer to the event via the WhatsApp group.


In addition to our SFCC trips, popular local boating season events, all of which can be attended by water, are listed below:
  • April  – Opening of the Exe Cafe
  • May  – Brixham Pirate Festival
  • May  – Dartmouth Music Festival
  • May  – Exmouth Beach Rugby & Netball Festival
  • June  – Torquay Airshow
  • July  – Teignmouth Airshow
  • July  – Exe Regatta
  • July  – Dartmouth Classic Channel Regatta
  • August – Dartmouth Royal Regatta

Click on the images below to enlarge

Friday Forums 2025

Sharing expertise and experience amongst members

At SFCC we are friendly and informal and know if you’re new to boating it’s often helpful to learn from others. Plus, we need opportunities to get together, so run ‘Friday Forums’ on winter evenings covering a variety of interesting topic’s, not always boating related!

It’s great to see members attend, so come along. Also, if you have an idea for a forum, or wish to present, just reach out to any committee member, help is always appreciated.

Feb 28th 8pm – Building a wooden boat
Ever thought about it or simple need to carry out repairs? Jon Seal is a wooden boatbuilder with knowledge of community boat building projects around Northern Europe and the history of salmon boat fishing on the Exe.

Mar 14th 8pm – RNLI Presentation
John Wood from the RNLI visits to explain the challenges and rewards of serving with the organisation close to all our hearts. This will be popular – get there early!

SFCC Newsletter

SFCC hours

Club Bar Summer Opening Times

Our Members bar is open every evening other than Monday & Wednesday.

Tuesdays 8pm – 11pm
Thurs & Friday 7.30pm – 11pm

Saturday Cooking 7pm – 11pm
No Saturday Cooking 7.30 -11pm

Sundays 6pm – 9pm


Starcross Fishing & Cruising Club, Brunel Tower, The Strand, Starcross, Devon, EX68PR
Pontoon Location:
GPS: 50°37’.656N / 003°26’.731W
W3W: obey.marathons.intelligible
North Mooring PC741 location:
GPS: 50°37’.674N / 003°26’.621W
W3W: forum.marathons.rush
South Mooring PC648 location:
GPS: 50°37’.389N / 003°26’.484W
W3W: punks.tutored.nicer


01626 891996